Different people speak with diverse personalized speaking styles. Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation framework. In a nutshell, we aim to attain a speaking style from an arbitrary reference speaking video and then drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking style and another piece of audio. Specifically, we first develop a style encoder to extract dynamic facial motion patterns of a style reference video and then encode them into a style code. Afterward, we introduce a style-controllable decoder to synthesize stylized facial animations from the speech content and style code. In order to integrate the reference speaking style into generated videos, we design a style-aware adaptive transformer, which enables the encoded style code to adjust the weights of the feed-forward layers accordingly. Thanks to the style-aware adaptation mechanism, the reference speaking style can be better embedded into synthesized videos during decoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of generating talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip while achieving authentic visual effects. Project Page: https://github.com/FuxiVirtualHuman/styletalk.
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Mitosis nuclei count is one of the important indicators for the pathological diagnosis of breast cancer. The manual annotation needs experienced pathologists, which is very time-consuming and inefficient. With the development of deep learning methods, some models with good performance have emerged, but the generalization ability should be further strengthened. In this paper, we propose a two-stage mitosis segmentation and classification method, named SCMitosis. Firstly, the segmentation performance with a high recall rate is achieved by the proposed depthwise separable convolution residual block and channel-spatial attention gate. Then, a classification network is cascaded to further improve the detection performance of mitosis nuclei. The proposed model is verified on the ICPR 2012 dataset, and the highest F-score value of 0.8687 is obtained compared with the current state-of-the-art algorithms. In addition, the model also achieves good performance on GZMH dataset, which is prepared by our group and will be firstly released with the publication of this paper. The code will be available at: https://github.com/antifen/mitosis-nuclei-segmentation.
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To facilitate research on text generation, this paper presents a comprehensive and unified library, TextBox 2.0, focusing on the use of pre-trained language models (PLMs). To be comprehensive, our library covers $13$ common text generation tasks and their corresponding $83$ datasets and further incorporates $45$ PLMs covering general, translation, Chinese, dialogue, controllable, distilled, prompting, and lightweight PLMs. We also implement $4$ efficient training strategies and provide $4$ generation objectives for pre-training new PLMs from scratch. To be unified, we design the interfaces to support the entire research pipeline (from data loading to training and evaluation), ensuring that each step can be fulfilled in a unified way. Despite the rich functionality, it is easy to use our library, either through the friendly Python API or command line. To validate the effectiveness of our library, we conduct extensive experiments and exemplify four types of research scenarios. The project is released at the link: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/TextBox.
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Determining causal effects of temporal multi-intervention assists decision-making. Restricted by time-varying bias, selection bias, and interactions of multiple interventions, the disentanglement and estimation of multiple treatment effects from individual temporal data is still rare. To tackle these challenges, we propose a comprehensive framework of temporal counterfactual forecasting from an individual multiple treatment perspective (TCFimt). TCFimt constructs adversarial tasks in a seq2seq framework to alleviate selection and time-varying bias and designs a contrastive learning-based block to decouple a mixed treatment effect into separated main treatment effects and causal interactions which further improves estimation accuracy. Through implementing experiments on two real-world datasets from distinct fields, the proposed method shows satisfactory performance in predicting future outcomes with specific treatments and in choosing optimal treatment type and timing than state-of-the-art methods.
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This paper considers ranking inference of $n$ items based on the observed data on the top choice among $M$ randomly selected items at each trial. This is a useful modification of the Plackett-Luce model for $M$-way ranking with only the top choice observed and is an extension of the celebrated Bradley-Terry-Luce model that corresponds to $M=2$. Under a uniform sampling scheme in which any $M$ distinguished items are selected for comparisons with probability $p$ and the selected $M$ items are compared $L$ times with multinomial outcomes, we establish the statistical rates of convergence for underlying $n$ preference scores using both $\ell_2$-norm and $\ell_\infty$-norm, with the minimum sampling complexity. In addition, we establish the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator that allows us to construct confidence intervals for the underlying scores. Furthermore, we propose a novel inference framework for ranking items through a sophisticated maximum pairwise difference statistic whose distribution is estimated via a valid Gaussian multiplier bootstrap. The estimated distribution is then used to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for the differences in the preference scores and the ranks of individual items. They also enable us to address various inference questions on the ranks of these items. Extensive simulation studies lend further support to our theoretical results. A real data application illustrates the usefulness of the proposed methods convincingly.
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Automated detecting lung infections from computed tomography (CT) data plays an important role for combating COVID-19. However, there are still some challenges for developing AI system. 1) Most current COVID-19 infection segmentation methods mainly relied on 2D CT images, which lack 3D sequential constraint. 2) Existing 3D CT segmentation methods focus on single-scale representations, which do not achieve the multiple level receptive field sizes on 3D volume. 3) The emergent breaking out of COVID-19 makes it hard to annotate sufficient CT volumes for training deep model. To address these issues, we first build a multiple dimensional-attention convolutional neural network (MDA-CNN) to aggregate multi-scale information along different dimension of input feature maps and impose supervision on multiple predictions from different CNN layers. Second, we assign this MDA-CNN as a basic network into a novel dual multi-scale mean teacher network (DM${^2}$T-Net) for semi-supervised COVID-19 lung infection segmentation on CT volumes by leveraging unlabeled data and exploring the multi-scale information. Our DM${^2}$T-Net encourages multiple predictions at different CNN layers from the student and teacher networks to be consistent for computing a multi-scale consistency loss on unlabeled data, which is then added to the supervised loss on the labeled data from multiple predictions of MDA-CNN. Third, we collect two COVID-19 segmentation datasets to evaluate our method. The experimental results show that our network consistently outperforms the compared state-of-the-art methods.
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Federated learning (FL) is a promising way to allow multiple data owners (clients) to collaboratively train machine learning models without compromising data privacy. Yet, existing FL solutions usually rely on a centralized aggregator for model weight aggregation, while assuming clients are honest. Even if data privacy can still be preserved, the problem of single-point failure and data poisoning attack from malicious clients remains unresolved. To tackle this challenge, we propose to use distributed ledger technology (DLT) to achieve FLock, a secure and reliable decentralized Federated Learning system built on blockchain. To guarantee model quality, we design a novel peer-to-peer (P2P) review and reward/slash mechanism to detect and deter malicious clients, powered by on-chain smart contracts. The reward/slash mechanism, in addition, serves as incentives for participants to honestly upload and review model parameters in the FLock system. FLock thus improves the performance and the robustness of FL systems in a fully P2P manner.
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近年来,破坏预测取得了迅速的进展,尤其是在机器学习(ML)的方法中。理解为什么预测因子使某个预测与未来Tokamak破坏预测指标的预测准确性一样至关重要。大多数破坏预测因素的目的是准确性或跨机能力。但是,如果可以解释中断预测模型,则可以说明为什么某些样品被归类为中断前体。这使我们能够说出传入的破坏类型,并使我们深入了解破坏机制。本文根据J-TEXT上的物理引导特征提取(IDP-PGFE)设计了一种称为可解释的破坏预测变量的破坏预测变量。通过提取物理引导的特征有效地改善了模型的预测性能。需要高性能模型来确保解释结果的有效性。 IDP-PGFE的可解释性研究提供了对J-Text破坏的理解,并且通常与现有的破坏理解一致。 IDP-PGFE已被应用于破坏,因为在J文本上的密度极限实验的密度不断增加。 PGFE的时间演变具有贡献,表明ECRH的应用触发了辐射引起的破坏,从而降低了破坏时的密度。虽然RMP的应用确实提高了J文本中的密度极限。解释性研究指导了RMP不仅会影响MHD不稳定性,而且还会影响辐射轮廓的密度极限破坏的物理机制,从而延迟了密度极限的破坏。
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